What changes we suggested?

We had worked as a group to figure out what kinds of things needed to be changed in order for this certain project to be a good and safe project. There are a lot of things that we suggest to be changed but most of them are the same things so we decided to name a few of them. The things that we have decided to change were:

1.) This program should go all year long. So that we get a feel of what KA-NA-TA is and the people that are using it as well.

2.) This program should be added in the school's curriculum to help learn more about Natives and their ways of living.

3.) We should not be divided into different triads because then we read the responses from the same bunch of people.

4.) We should get replies from partner schools. When we write them something, they should take their time to write back.

5.) There should be more activities and games for the users to enjoy and learn. So that KA-NA-TA will not be just work, but also playing different games and activities.

6.) More schools should be offered the opportunity to use the program. So that many schools can get a feel of who are the Natives? Where they came from? And what hidden backgrounds they have?

7.) There shouldn't be any kind of coarse language spoken on the chat lines. If it does happen the person should be banned from using the program.

This is a photo of the clay mural that our school did for our millennium project. The three faces stand for past, present and future.