KA-NA-TA 2005/2006 Application Form

KIDS FROM KA-NA-TA (KFK) is a national telecommunications project linking urban and rural First Nations and non-Native students and teachers via the Internet. The project encourages dialogue about critical issues affecting all Canadians today. This is the application form for the thirteenth year of the project, which will take place in the 2005/2006 school year in both elementary and secondary classrooms. If you and your school are interested in participating in this project, please complete this form and click on the "submit" button at the bottom to send it.


Class Exchange Visit Program

There is an exciting opportunity for some KA-NA-TA schools to participate in a Canada-wide Exchange Program sponsored by the Youth Exchanges Canada program of the Department of Canadian Heritage. This means that the whole class would be able to VISIT with their KA-NA-TA partner class, in their community, - the travel costs are paid for by the program! This will be a life-changing experience for students, and something they (and you) will never forget. If you would like to consider participating in this exchange opportunity with your class, please check the box below. We will follow up with more details of the program once we receive your application. Students must be 12 years or older when they travel. Please note, preference is given to applications received by October 7, 2005.

Project Costs and Support

KIDS FROM KA-NA-TA operates in partnership with the Canadian Education Association and the Faculty of Education at York University near Toronto. The university is generously providing system administration, Internet connectivity and support for the project and we are offering the program for $279 for 2005/2006. The GrassRoots program, which invited schools to submit KFK as their GrassRoots project and apply for a grant, has been discontinued. We are looking for other opportunities to assist schools with the cost of registration and there is a possibility that some schools may be eligible for funding that would cover the cost of the registration fee. We will post info here as soon as we have any confirmation and you can contact the office for more details. The majority of schools pay their own registration fee.


We recommend that each teacher participating in the KIDS FROM KA-NA-TA project form a KA-NA-TA Project Team to support your participation. Since an important part of the project involves the use of telecommunications technology, a useful person for each project team will be a teacher or staff member or senior student with telecommunications or computer experience. (Eager teachers with time to learn are also fine.) Other members of your project team might include other teachers, your principal, members of your school board, parents or local business people. This year we may again link you with a Teacher Candidate (TC) from the Faculty of Education at York University who will also be part of your team. The TC will be there to assist you with the project and to gain experience in a KA-NA-TA "virtual classroom".


Name of main teacher 
Primary contact person (if different) 
Name of principal 
School board name 
Purchase Order number 
School Name 
City Province Postal code 
School phone Fax Home phone
Grade level Subject area 
Number of students Number of Aboriginal students 
Where should we direct your invoice? School    Schoolboard     Other 
Have you done this project before or one like it? Yes      No 
Where did you hear about this program? 




Many teachers like to log in to the project from home as well as from the classroom. This can be very helpful for keeping up with the online activity and being prepared when your students are ready to go.

Your Internet access: Schoolboard/educational network      Other 
Speed of connection (if known) bps
Computers: Macintosh    Windows     Other (specify) 




Would you be interested applying for funding to cover registration fees ($279) (we are still looking for sponsors

to cover these costs to replace the GrassRoots program, now discontinued)?        Yes      No 

Are you interested in arranging a class exchange visit with a partner school?                         Yes      No 



Do you have the agreement of the principal?   Yes     Not Yet 
Your Name: 
Your e-mail: 